• Fiercely United Fiercely United Fiercely United
  • High School Groundbreaking: August 27, 2020 High School Groundbreaking: August 27, 2020 High School Groundbreaking: August 27, 2020
  • The Future is Rock Ridge Public Schools The Future is Rock Ridge Public Schools The Future is Rock Ridge Public Schools

Welcome Home Eveleth, Gilbert, Eveleth-Gilbert, and Virginia Alumni!

Even though we have a new name and a beautiful new facility, we want you to forever feel welcome here. We want you to come home and feel like you can still access your high school memories. We know it’s different, and we will do everything we can to make it as close to the same as possible. Come on in and join us in celebrating the alumni of Eveleth, Eveleth-Gilbert, Gilbert and Virginia.

We fully respect that you graduated a Golden Bear, a Buccaneer, or a Blue Devil. We understand that passion runs deep. But think of it this way: We are all Iron Rangers and we are all very proud to be from here. The Range gave us our start. It was a part of our foundation. I remember going off to college and it did not matter anymore where I graduated from. What mattered was that we were from the Range. We all found each other at gatherings and reminisced about the rivalries. Outsiders would gather around and listen to our stories and be amazed at our passion for and vivid memories of the events we were talking about. Next thing you knew, we were all friends singing in choirs together, playing together on teams, and very proud to be from the Range. These kids of today get to do this now, and they are enjoying every minute of this opportunity. I am hoping we can appeal to your home being the Iron Range.

Please look past the boundaries of where you graduated from, and join us in creating the best school on the Iron Range. Our mission is to create incredible people of high character who can positively contribute to society. So again, come on in, the water is fine. Let’s rally for the future, forever remember the past, and help create a school so we can all be very proud to say we are from the Range. Ultimately, we are all very proud to be from the Iron Range!

Rock Ridge Rising

Partnership Campaign

Rock Ridge Public Schools is offering the opportunity for donations, corporate sponsorships, family legacies, or naming rights to the many areas of our new campus. Please take a look and see if any of these strike a chord with you, your company, and/or your family.  We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.  We hope we can “Fiercely Unite” with you for this once in a lifetime opportunity for our students, schools and communities. All donations will be recognized at their level of giving on our “Wall of Donors” planned throughout the campus. You can choose to remain anonymous of you wish.


We invite you to listen to a podcast featuring Eveleth High School 1984 graduate, Brian Raduenz and Virginia High School 1987 graduate, Willie Spelts. Brian and Willie talk about their great experiences as a Golden Bear and a Blue Devil. They also talk about the #RockRidgeRising Campaign, which allows people the opportunity to support this once in a lifetime, state of the art project.  Enjoy the fun stories and appreciation from yesteryear, along with opportunities to join us in becoming Fiercely United.

Our Story

Rock Ridge Public Schools is the newly created school district that consolidates the school districts of Eveleth-Gilbert and Virginia Public Schools. A voter approved consolidation happened in the spring of 2020. The communities that make up these school districts voted to move the districts, and its buildings, into the 21st century and beyond.

A voter approved bonding project, in conjunction with the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board (IRRRB), has created a tremendous opportunity for our children, families, and communities. The successful vote supported a brand new, state of the art Rock Ridge High School, grades 7-12. Included at Rock Ridge High School are brand new Arts and Athletic facilities. Two brand new elementary schools; one in Eveleth and one in Virginia.

These facilities are being built in and around the Eveleth, Gilbert and Virginia Communities. They will serve all of the students in the district. These will be amazing buildings, learning studios, play spaces and facilities for everyone of all ages to use and enjoy. We feel very fortunate to have received the support from the voters in all three communities.

When the new buildings are complete, we will consolidate into: one Rock Ridge High School (grades 7-12), three elementary schools: the current Parkview Learning Center (PreK-2), the new Eveleth Elementary School (grades PreK-6) and the new Virginia Elementary School (grades 3-6). These facilities will be 21st century buildings that will knock your socks off! We look forward to all alumni and community members embracing this consolidation and joining us in becoming Fiercely United

Our Mission

To create an Alumni group, from all three schools, by connecting alumni to one another and to Rock Ridge through meaningful events, benefits and communication

Our Vision

Our vision is to involve the greatest possible number of alumni by offering opportunities to remain connected with the past and to invite you to the future.

We are committed to serving the needs of alumni through recognizing and responding to the diversity of individuals, generations, and interests.

Our offerings are rooted in the Iron Range values of a strong work ethic and hospitality.

The alumni group values friendships, partnerships, and creating opportunities for our students and fellow alumni.


  • The opportunity to connect, and stay connected with classmates.
  • The opportunity for you to invigorate our current students with your stories of success.
  • The opportunity to make a connection with the past and the future.
  • The opportunity to provide today’s students with your knowledge and expertise.
Rock Ridge Public Schools

1405 Progress Parkway

[email protected]

Virginia, MN 55792